E-Business Suite HCM vs. HCM Cloud Functional ComparisonWebinar

Are you interested in understanding how Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) Cloud compares to E-Business Suite HCM (EBS)? With many years of Oracle HCM Cloud implementation experience and prior EBS expertise on the panel,  Peloton Consulting Group goes over observations regarding the current progress and comparability of the two solutions. During this pre-recorded 30-minute webinar, […]

How to Develop Best Practices in FP&A to Prepare for What You Cannot Predict Webinar

Finance leaders have long relied on forecasts and budgets that reflect an underlying assumption that past performance foretells future outcomes. But the most resilient organizations are those whose leaders recognize that they need to prepare for, rather than try to predict, the future. To adapt quickly as new challenges arise, organizations are applying advances in […]

EBS vs. Oracle ERP Cloud Functional ComparisonWebinar

Are you interested in understanding how ERP Cloud compares to E-Business Suite (EBS)? Oracle ERP Cloud has come a long way, offering advanced innovative reporting capabilities with a modern cloud user experience, which is now surpassing EBS in functionality. With many years of Oracle ERP Cloud implementation experience and prior EBS expertise on our panel, […]

JDE vs. Oracle ERP Cloud Functional ComparisonWebinar

Oracle ERP Cloud has come a long way, offering advanced innovative reporting capabilities with a modern cloud user experience, which is now surpassing JDE in functionality. With many years of Oracle ERP Cloud implementation experience and prior JDE expertise on our panel, Peloton Consulting Group wanted to share with you our observations regarding the current […]

Increasing FP&A’s Effectiveness by Integrating Risk ManagementFP&A Research Guide

Value is important to all organizations. It’s often highlighted in company mission statements and taken into consideration with financial goals. However, success is not guaranteed, which introduces risk: risk is any uncertainty that could lower the value and diminish the success of an enterprise. FP&A is naturally connected to risk management, as it already addresses volatility, […]

Implementing a Planning System: Part 2, Selecting The SoftwareFP&A Research Guide

In Part 1 of Association for Financial Professionals’ (AFP) FP&A Research Guide series, we discussed what it takes to mobilize and lay the groundwork to implement a new planning system. Part 2 of this series focuses on structuring the process of RFPs and best practices for selecting the correct software and implementation partner for your business. […]

Go Beyond the Boundaries of FinanceWebinar

View on-demand Anaplan’s Go Beyond the Boundaries of Finance webinar to hear from Enstar’s Vice President, Financial Planning & Analysis Ed Keane and Peloton Consulting Group’s Will Evans as they discuss going beyond traditional finance boundaries by driving enterprise-wide workforce planning that integrates with finance to deliver results and align to revenue planning targets. During this session, you’ll learn: How Enstar […]

Implementing a Planning System: Part 1, Laying the GroundworkFP&A Research Guide

Why do 30 to 60% of IT implementations fail? Association for Financial Professionals’ (AFP) first guide in their series on technology change focuses on the planning and reporting system, which is foundational to FP&A’s mission of supporting business decisions by deploying resources to the most efficient use. Getting it right frees up time to focus on value-added […]

Oracle Expenses Cloud: Changing How Businesses Manage and Track their Travel and Expenses

Oracle Expenses Cloud – an Oracle ERP Cloud Financials offering – enhances compliance by establishing policies, automating audits, and analyzing expense trends. The comprehensive offering provides organizations with increased workforce productivity and greater control over cost management, allowing managers to quickly obtain key information required to audit or approve expense reports. Employees can now easily […]

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