Special Report: Nailing the Number

This CFO.com article addresses the shifting role of CFOs and their Finance teams involvement in the development of sales revenue forecasts. Specific themes include the challenges with traditional methods used for creating sales revenue forecasts, machine learning, predictive planning & analytics, and big data to improve the quality and accuracy of sales revenue forecasts. Peloton […]

How Advances in Analytics and Business Intelligence Elevate FP&A Webinar

Does your company define financial planning and analysis (FP&A) only as a department within finance? If so, then your company is not generating as much value as it can from FP&A. With recent technological advances in analytics and business intelligence companies typically circumscribe FP&A within the finance function, which traditionally has focused on financial metrics. When […]

Implementing a Planning System: Part 2, Selecting The SoftwareFP&A Research Guide

In Part 1 of Association for Financial Professionals’ (AFP) FP&A Research Guide series, we discussed what it takes to mobilize and lay the groundwork to implement a new planning system. Part 2 of this series focuses on structuring the process of RFPs and best practices for selecting the correct software and implementation partner for your business. […]

How CFOs Align Financial and Operational PlanningWebinar

To achieve a holistic understanding of their companies’ current performance and outlook for the future, finance leaders have come to recognize that they need to connect financial and operational metrics. By applying advances in business intelligence and automating key finance processes, finance leaders not only improve their ability to link financial and operational goals; they […]

How Finance Leaders Embed Planning into the Fabric of BusinessWebinars

In many companies, preparing for the future is an exercise that occurs once a year. But technological advances, combined with the accelerating pace of geopolitical change, has rendered periodic planning insufficient. View on-demand CFO.com’s How Finance leaders Embed Planning into the Fabric of Business webinar to learn how you can prevent finance teams from relying on out-of-date assumptions […]

What Finance Leaders Need to Know about Scenario PlanningWebinar

The more CFOs take responsibility for preparing their companies for the future, the more they are leading their companies’ efforts to plan for a wide range of scenarios, including scenarios their companies have not yet experienced but still have to be ready for. Whether equipping their companies to weather the effects of economic headwinds or […]

Implementing a Planning System: Part 1, Laying the GroundworkFP&A Research Guide

Why do 30 to 60% of IT implementations fail? Association for Financial Professionals’ (AFP) first guide in their series on technology change focuses on the planning and reporting system, which is foundational to FP&A’s mission of supporting business decisions by deploying resources to the most efficient use. Getting it right frees up time to focus on value-added […]

Leading Practices for Sales Revenue Forecasting

In April of 2019, APQC’s Steve Player and Rachele Collins interviewed Peloton’s Vice President Philip Peck on the topic of the leading practices and industry-specific opportunities for sales revenue forecasting. Click here to read the article.

Best Practices in Driver-Based Budgeting and PlanningWebinar

For a company that experiences rapid growth or operates in an economic environment in which frequent change is the norm, a driver-based approach can provide a finance team with a sturdy framework for budgeting and planning. But many companies lack a systematic approach to identifying and setting priorities for drivers that underlie their budgets and […]

Building the Future of FP&A on a Strong Foundation: Insights from Peloton

This article is part of a series of Q&A interview summaries conducted by APQC and the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) with invited subject matter experts in January through March 2019 as part of the Preparing for the Next Level of Financial Planning & Analysis study. APQC and AFP spoke with Peloton Vice President Philip Peck. […]

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