Technical expertise and proactive management help $9B Logistics Provider reduce cost of EPM ownership

Business Challenge Multiple Applications – Fully integrated business planning, financial close, and management reporting solution supported by Exalytics Need for Functional and Technical Expertise – Ongoing maintenance and a steady flow of system enhancements required deep expertise across a variety of applications and supporting infrastructure Solution Close and EPM Support – Peloton supports the monthly […]

Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Solution (FCCS) reduces close time at Global Transportation Provider

Business Challenges Manual Process for Consolidation and Bank Reporting – Heavy reliance on manual processes within Excel to perform consolidations and bank reporting Process Complexity and Validation Issues – Foreign currency translation, intercompany eliminations and cash flow computed in Excel added extreme complexity to the process and caused validation issues Time Consuming Monthly Close – […]

Cloud solution helps streamline and enhance the planning process for $300M Dairy co-op

Business Challenges Lack Analytical Insights – Existing technology did not provide the ability to derive underlying insights into the business Manually Intensive Process – Financial planning process relied entirely on Excel spreadsheets Solution Enterprise-Level Planning – Utilized best-in-class technology and business processes to replace the Excel-driven planning process with a solution that included: Custom Chart […]

Oracle ERP Cloud and PaaS transforms processes and creates leverage at large Global Energy Transportation company

Business Challenges Reporting Limitations – International Seaway’s Finance team struggled with inflexible E-Business Suite reporting tools that did not sufficiently support the business Changing Business Structure – After a divesture, International Seaway’s on-premise solution did not optimally meet the needs of the organization for scalability and flexibility Solution Oracle ERP Cloud – Digitally transformed their […]

Move to cloud helps manufacturer consolidate financials and improve planning

Business Challenges Long Monthly Close – Process took far too long due to absence of data integration and inefficiency of existing reporting tools Significant Manual Steps – Excel-based process to conduct consolidation, foreign currency translation, intercompany eliminations, bank reporting, and cash flow slowed down end-to-end cycle and also introduced potential for reconciliation issues Solution Implemented […]

Use of cloud services shortens consolidation process from half-a-day to five minutes at $700M Global Mining corporation

Business Challenges Complex Intercompany Eliminations – Intercompany elimination process was complex and highly manual Cash Flow Challenges – Calculating cash flow took considerable preparation with limited final reporting Inefficient Consolidation Process – Consolidation process took four hours to run, which occurred four to five times per month Solution Enhanced Capabilities – Support generation of income […]

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